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Introduction to this guide

This guide discusses sending emails from RAPID Platform using SendGrid.


To take full advantage of this guide, we recommend, you should have completed the following:

1) Created a SendGrid Account
2) Configured Sender, Inbound Parse, API Keys
3) Created an Integration between SendGrid and RAPID Platform site
4) Created a Dynamic Template

We have two separate guidebooks which discuss the above:

For points 1 to 3 - SendGrid Setup Guide
For point 4 - Dynamic Templates Guide

This guide will discuss the following cases:

1) Sending a static email from RAPID Workflow engine using SendGrid Template

  • (Use case - Sending a Newsletter)

2) Sending an email from RAPID Workflow using Dynamic Template Substitution from Data Table values

  • (Use case - Sending an acknowledgement email to a Lead who registered a query)

3) Sending a Static email from Explorer Menu option button using SendGrid

  • (Use Case - Sending a generic rejection letter to candidates (on the fly) who do not qualify for the job)

4) Sending an email from Explorer Menu option using Substitution from Data Table values

  • (Use Case - Sending a personalised email to successful candidates with date for next round of interview)

5) Configuring SendGrid options from a USER TASK in a RAPID Workflow.